4 Reasons to Trim Your Oak Tree During the Winter.

As a professional tree trimming company, Tyler's Trees would like to remind homeowners that the winter months are the best time to have their oak trees trimmed.

  1. Minimizing oak wilt risk: Oak wilt is a serious fungal disease that can spread through wounds on the tree, and it's most active during the warmer months. By trimming your oak trees in the winter, when the fungus is dormant, you can reduce the risk of oak wilt and protect your trees.

  2. Preventing insect infestations: Many insects that can harm oak trees are less active in the colder months, by scheduling your trimming during this time, you can reduce the risk of infestations.

  3. Avoiding nesting season: Many birds use oak trees for nesting sites, trimming during nesting season can disturb the birds and cause harm to their young. By scheduling your trimming in the winter, you can avoid this problem.

  4. Improving tree structure: Without leaves, it's easier to identify dead, diseased, or damaged branches that need to be removed, by trimming during the winter, you can improve the tree structure and help the tree grow stronger.

At Tyler's Trees, we have the experience and expertise to handle all your oak tree trimming needs. By scheduling your trimming during the winter, you can take advantage of the benefits mentioned above and ensure that your trees stay healthy and strong. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.